Bad managers are a dime a done but a good one is diffcult to find 坏的老板简直多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难!
Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find 坏的老板简直是多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难。
I would be an extremely bad manager , and an unprofessional one , if i resigned now , and i have absolutely no intention to do it 如果我选择这个时候辞职,那我就是一个十足的坏教练,一个非职业的教练。我现在丝毫也没有这样的做的想法。
The disparity between mao ' s performance and his reputation is instructive , for behind it are four key ingredients which all bad managers could profitably employ 的成就与其盛誉之间的差距,源于其背后的四个因素,它们对于所有糟糕的经理人而言都有借鉴意义。
S , shaking her head , " a woman becomes a bad manager , and who shall say she will remain an honest woman , when she loves another man better than her husband “弗尔南多, ”美塞苔丝摇摇头说道, “一个女人能否成为一个好主妇倒很难说,但假如她爱着另外一个人甚于爱她的丈夫,谁还能说她是一个忠心的女人呢?